Getting Package Version at Runtime

Automatically setting your project’s version is all well and good, but you usually also want to expose that version at runtime, usually via a __version__ variable. There are three options for doing this:

  1. Use the version() function from importlib.metadata to get your package’s version, like so:

    from importlib.metadata import version
    __version__ = version("mypackage")

    Note that importlib.metadata was only added to Python in version 3.8. If you wish to support older Python versions, use the importlib-metadata backport available on PyPI for those versions, e.g.:

    import sys
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
        from importlib.metadata import version
        from importlib_metadata import version
    __version__ = version("mypackage")

    If relying on the backport, don’t forget to include importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8" in your project’s install_requires!

  2. Fill out the [tool.versioningit.write] subtable in pyproject.toml so that the project version will be written to a file in your Python package which you can then import or read. For example, if your package is named mypackage and is stored in a src/ directory, you can write the version to a Python file src/mypackage/ like so:

    file = "src/mypackage/"

    Then, within mypackage/, you can import the version like so:

    from ._version import __version__

    Alternatively, you can write the version to a text file, say, src/mypackage/VERSION:

    file = "src/mypackage/VERSION"

    and then read the version in at runtime with:

    from pathlib import Path
    __version__ = Path(__file__).with_name("VERSION").read_text().strip()
  3. (New in version 1.1.0) Use the onbuild step and its custom hooks to create sdists & wheels in which some file has been modified to contain the line __version__ = "<project version>" or similar while leaving your repository’s contents alone.


Wondering which of write and onbuild is right for your project? See this table for a comparison:



Should affected file be under version control?



Affected file must already exist?



Modifies working tree? [1]



Run when installing in editable mode?

